The Proski Family

WELCOME! The Proski Family blog is up and running. Come by often to check out new photos and the general nonsense going on with us crazy Proski's . . and Donna, too!

Alexander is 1 months, 3 weeks and 3 days old Lilypie Maternity tickers

Friday, May 23, 2008

Beach Time 2008

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Spring is HERE!

Well, thankfully cold season is almost over. We have had our fair share of sickness around here. Xander is very fond of the outdoors and is looking forward to his very first trip to the ocean next week. Many pictures will follow from that adventure.

Here are a few to tide you all over for now . . .

So happy to be outside

Why, yes, I DO love crayons!

More Xander

Baby in a Basket
Baby in a Box

Baby escapes from Box!

Xander and Bucky

Handsome Boy!

Family Time

With Mommy at Saturday Market

On the Downtown Waterfront with Daddy

Xander loves the Girls!

Family Time

Me and Grandma

A very windy Mother's Day

A Skateboarder is Born!

Xander took to skateboarding like a natural. His father is VERY proud.